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Writing and Thinking beyond Words

One aspect of our methodical work is to reflect the presentation of film-analytical results and descriptions, and to transfer them into multimedia-based forms. A thinking and arguing with the written word, images, and diagrams – e.g. the visualizing of film-analytical annotations – are typical for a number of the Cinepoetics publications at De Gruyter. Beyond that, videographic work with moving images presents respective opportunities (cf. the lecture series by the Cinepoetics members, openly accessible via the Cinepoetics Vimeo channel). Especially within the framework of the online-journal mediaesthetics, we explore the possibilities of a multimedia-based writing about and with audio-visual images.

The possibilities of multimedia and freely accessible web-based data processing and exploration, are in turn helpful for comparative analyses, thus for the research process itself: e.g. the Hollywood war film database and the AdA Annotation Explorer. Our methodical research takes place in various multimedia-based forms of presentation as well as modes of working (e.g. of annotating and describing) aiming at a discussion about the thinking of cinematic images.