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We explore the poetics of audiovisual images in various modes of working: The Cinepoetics Colloquium focuses on close readings and discussions of key texts building a theoretical framework for our respective research focus. As working with films lies at the center of our work, the Film-analytical Colloquium caters to this need with film screenings and lively discussions. Workshops that consist of presentations and film screenings are a possibility to consolidate theoretical as well as methodological concepts in exchange with other scholars in and outside our field. On a larger scale, our annual Cinepoetics Symposium as well as international Conferences we organize focus on scholarly exchange of ideas. Furthermore, Lectures have proved to be a valid way of engaging in discussion with the public sphere, be they one of our regularly scheduled Cinepoetics Lectures, separate ones at the department of film studies at Freie Universität Berlin, or at conferences and workshops abroad.

Cinepoetics – Center for Advanced Film Studies