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Web-based Data Exploration

Film-analytical data can be processed via web platforms and provided for exploration in a multimedia-based interaction with the audio-visual material. In the following projects, we utilized and developed approaches accordingly.

Database: War Film

The structure of the database of the Hollywood war film follows a methodical systematics of the genre’s poetics of affect. Thus, the individual film’s data can be organized and explored along the various categories of pathos scenes. As a multimedia-based form of presentation, it combines segmented video clips (on the scene or EMU level) with text descriptions and diagrams about the pathos scenes’ temporal order.

AdA Annotation Explorer

Example from the database: the entry about the eighth scene of BATAAN (Tay Garnett, USA 1943)

Example from the database: the entry about the eighth scene of BATAAN (Tay Garnett, USA 1943)

AdA Annotation Explorer

The AdA Annotation Explorer is a web platform which was developed as a part of the data management in the AdA-project, in order to manage all video annotations, created either manually or extracted (semi-)automatically, and make them accessible via a web-based platform for exploration and analysis:


Note: As this approach requires access to the full video file, due to copyright reasons only two videos (about the Occupy-Wall-Street-movement) can be streamed freely. For concrete research purposes, a temporary access to all videos can be requested.

View of the AdA annotation explorer

View of the AdA annotation explorer

The Annotation Explorer also offers a comparative view, in order to compare two scenes or films. The annotation data can be searched for specific keywords, annotation types, or (combinations of) values. An image-to-image-search based on visual similarity is also possible. Visualized annotations of individual tracks can be downloaded directly via the interface as a csv-file. The workspace with specific search requests can be stored as an HTML-file.

For a detailed description of the Annotation Explorer’s interface and functionality, see the paragraph in the Manual for annotating with the AdA Filmontology.

A separate server-based Annotation Explorer was set up for further research interests within Cinepoetics as well as for a research project focusing on films about climate change. The set-up’s prerequisites include server capacities which, in this case, were rented commercially as well as computer science basics.

For the Annotation Explorer‘s technical structure and conceptual framework see also: „AdA Annotation Explorer Ein Framework für zeitbasierte Linked Open Data-Annotationen zur Analyse audiovisueller Korpora“ (Henning Agt-Rickauer, Thomas Scherer & Jasper Stratil)