New Entries in the Cinepoetics Book Series
Naomi Rolef: Framing the Sex Scene: A New Take on Israeli Film History
Matthias Grotkopp: Cinematic Poetics of Guilt. Audiovisual Accusation as a Mode of Commonality
News from Aug 27, 2021
Before the autumn programme of our cooperation partner De Gruyter goes on sale, we would like to highlight two important publications in our English book series that came out this year. This means that Cinepoetics - English edition now comprises nine volumes, several of which are also available on paperback at reduced prices.
Framing the Sex Scene: A New Take on Israeli Film History is a comprehensive study of the cultural and social contexts of numerous cinematic rediscoveries. Naomi Rolef's dissertation scrutinizes the first sex scenes of Israeli mainstream cinema in the 1960s and 70s. Multi-layered analyses of the scenes open up a new perspective on questions of collective identity and the intertwining of private and public life in the light of political upheavals. Framing the Sex Scene: A New Take on Israeli Film History thus appeals to researchers of Israel's cultural history as well as to the broader thematic focus of the fictional representation of sexuality in film.
With Cinematic Poetics of Guilt, Matthias Grotkopp's in-depth study of the "audiovisual accusation as a mode of commonality" has now been published in English. In this book, Grotkopp examines the aesthetic modulation of moral feelings in German post-war cinema, the Hollywood Western, and the Vietnam War Film. Regarding the notions of politics and commonality, for which he draws on Hannah Arendt, Richard Rorty, and Stanley Cavell, the study also illuminates cinematic representations of climate change.