New Publications in the Cinepoetics Book Series
Thomas Scherer: Inszenierungen zeitgenössischer Propaganda. Kampagnenfilme im Dienste des Gemeinwohls
Christian Rüdiger: Schule im deutschen Spielfilm. Filmische Dimensionen von Bildung, Erziehung und sozialer Selektion
Björn Hochschild: Figuren begegnen in Filmen und Comics
News from Dec 01, 2023
We would like to introduce three new titles in our German book series, which will be available in hardcover and digitally by the end of the year.
In Inszenierungen zeitgenössischer Propaganda. Kampagnenfilme im Dienste des Gemeinwohls, Thomas Scherer looks closely at so-called social advertisements, i.e. audiovisual appeals that address the behavior of their audience in the name of the common good. At the threshold of propaganda, advertising, and public relations, he develops a discourse-analytical approach that focuses on a genuinely cinematic way of thinking and makes audiovisual persuasion comprehensible as a negotiation process within the medium of cinematic fiction. Scherer's study is now available in print or digitally.
Also available is Christian Rüdiger's monography Schule im deutschen Spielfilm. Filmische Dimensionen von Bildung, Erziehung und sozialer Selektion. Therein, he provides a film-historiographical overview of past and present representations of schools in German feature films. Certain images and semantics are repeatedly used and reproduced in these filmic depictions. Rüdiger examines such audiovisual processes of memory and appropriation within the framework of film and cultural studies, and with sociological as well as educational perspectives, which offers a new poetological approach to this field.
Björn Hochschild's detailed study Figuren begegnen in Filmen und Comics recognizes the viewing and reading of dynamic images as a complex and subjective act. Hochschild argues that film and comic characters can only be fully realized in the process of reception and thus develops an approach that makes them accessible to a poetological analysis. Based on Maurice Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of perception, the author provides a promising film-phenomenological discourse for comic research. The book will be available as of December 18 at De Gruyter and in bookstores.
Including these new editions, the Cinepoetics series now comprises fourteen volumes, published in hardcover and digitally.