Cinepoetics Lectures
The Cinepoetics Lectures are a very special format in the center’s work since they stand for interesting talks by internationally acclaimed scholars that are in close contact with our work on the poetologies of audiovisual images. Besides different perspectives from the field of film studies, the lectures feature a wide range of influences from the humanities, most importantly from media studies and the arts.
The Cinepoetics Lectures are a collaboration with Kino Arsenal (Institute for Film and Video Art), open to the public and free of charge. Each lecture is accompanied by a film screening that complements the talk’s topic. For the film, Kino Arsenal will charge the usual admission fees.

Current Lecture
Modern thought typically considers the realms of politics and geology as fundamentally different. The first is seen as turbulent and fickle, often chaotic and ever-changing. The latter is all about slowness and relative stability; it privileges the durational and predictable. In many of his essay films from the past decades, Chilean director Patricio Guzmán encourages us to rethink these assumptions.
In his lecture, Lutz Koepnick (Vanderbilt University) follows Guzmán’s inquiry into the politics of deep geological time: mountains figure as material witnesses to political violence and oppression – rocks become media to return forgotten memories and transformative hopes to the political arena. To illustrate how elemental media can teach us to revise human-centered ideas of history, Guzmán’s film La cordillera de los sueños will be shown after the lecture.
Lutz Koepnick's lecture is free of charge. For the screening, the usual prices of the Kino Arsenal apply.
July 11, 2024, 18:00, Kino Arsenal am Potsdamer Platz
18:00 – Kino 1
Lecture by Lutz Koepnick
19:30 – Foyer
Reception in celebration of the conclusion of Cinepoetics (Foyer)
20:30 – Kino 1
Screening of LA CORDILLERA DE LOS SUEÑOS (Patricio Guzmán, CL/FR 2019)