Cinepoetics - Center for Advanced Film Studies (2015-2024)
Audiovisual media are never merely means to communicate or represent given facts and circumstances. They shape and expand the dynamic conditions of our understanding and judging, feeling and imagining.
This finding is the starting point for the research work at Cinepoetics and defines the driving force of our goal, which is to explore the poetologies of the audiovisual image. We are guided by a topos that itself is the subject of common and extensive debates: the talk of film thinking. The cinematic image is described in ever new variations as a kind of agent and therefore the discourses led by audiovisual images must be understood as a history of bringing forth ever new forms of thinking in cinematic images.
Prof. Dr. Hermann Kappelhoff (Freie Universität Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Michael Wedel (Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF)